If 2022 marks the year I returned to my media roots (taking over ALAB, founding AbusiveDiscretion/ALABnews, having Slate escort me on my victory lap), then 2023 was the year of the Pledge. I built three pledges that have already made an impact, saving lives, improving...
Today would be my father, S. Sheldon Weinhaus’ 93rd birthday. More about father can be found in this blurb: “… legal career and the lives he saved at the memorial which can be viewed here. UCLA’s Entrepreneurial Strategy and the Law course uses his...
When I took control of the name “ALABPodcast” as a result of my lawsuit, court order, and victory-lap-taking episode, I had hoped the media would leave me alone. I mean, really, does repeating untruths about me seem like a good use of time? Nonetheless,...
My co-hosts adamantly deny they defamed me. Solid legal-speak. (It is also totally irrelevant due to settlement.) But for the non-lawyers out there, a “denial” is a far cry from suggesting I filed a lawsuit that lacked valid claims. Doing so is not...